Monday, October 29, 2012

One Hour Ago

Our fridge broke again. The coils at the back get covered in ice and then it stops working, and every now and then we have to defrost it all and start again. At first we thought it was over-colding itself because of the humidity of summer. Now it’s happened in late October we think something’s wrong with the temperature regulator-thing (none of us are particularly technical). So after a confusing and crowded adventure in the local supermarket, I came home to see my flatmate with his head in the freezer, trying to speed up the defrosting process with a hairdryer. He’s still there now. And my foods still in bags. I’m looking over my pre-hurricane stock bemusedly while the white noise of the hairdryer makes me oddly calm. I’d never been to a supermarket the day before a potential natural disaster before. It didn’t occur to me how utterly mobbed it would be. It took me 20 minutes of ducking through people and trolleys and small children just to hustle myself a basket. Then there was the question of what to buy. Coming from England, where no freak weather ever happens, I felt quite uninitiated into the process of panic buying. I was worried, going round just picking up normal things like cereal and yoghurt. ‘Fool!’ the cashier is going to think as I go to pay for my goods, ‘she’s only buying regular food-items! Where’s her 6 kilo bag of oats, where’s her month’s supply of crackers? What an amateur!’ I embarrassedly presented my goods at the till, chucking in a pack of gum and some m&ms for good measure, as people around me were clearing shelves of paper towels and crisps as they passed them in the queue. I’m still worried I didn’t buy the last bag of bagels. Loads of people had bagels. I’m missing out by not having bagels. I bet there’s something that happens during a hurricane where bagels are really useful…

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